When we don't feel like playing
Two thoughts: 1. Play and not-play are two sides of the same penny. We can't get one without the other. Play isn't devoid of substance....

The birth of a group (and why working with others is a radical politicalpersonalphysiologicalsocialc
The first part is a blog I wrote years ago about the birth of a group of women clowns/performance artists that I'm part of. The second...

Permission Slips - Don't run over yourself
The following list is from a soap box I was standing on a few years ago. Something a friend and I dreamed of speaking through a megaphone...

Chef's Table + what it showed me about how many possibilities are possible
What I'm about to say is NOT a parental guilt trip. I'm sure I'd feed my children, if I had them, cheese toast 3X a day if they wouldn't...

vulnerability vs. openness: what's the difference + why does it matter onstage and off
There's been a lot of talk lately about vulnerability (thanks Brene Brown). In a way I see it as our culture using our giant brains and...

Gord Downie: a permission giver
I speak a lot in the work I do about being a permission-giver. In Canada, we were recently with Gord Downie, of the Tragically Hip, as he...

Be Creative! Why this order doesn't work
"'Being creative' is not something beyond us, nor do we have to become it. "Creative" is an idea that compartmentalizes and limits our...

feelingthoughts: the word invented in a Colombian fishing village
There is a coastal community in Colombia, who consider themselves sentipensantes, beings that use both their brain and their heart. (If...

the excruciating in between - a thought for those creating something
I am going to perform in a couple of months. This has me living in what I like to call, "the excruciating in-between" (or what Pema...