What can go wrong with therapy - #1 It piggybacks on our need to "do more" and "be perfect"
I love therapy, as a client and as a therapist. It's also my bread and butter. And I have such a critical eye. Here's a big beef. Therapy...
Covid-19 loves Velcro (or why are some more anxious about this than others?)
At the risk of spreading yet another Covid-19 myth, I am using velcro as a metaphor for why some people seem to be covered in Covid-19...
How could "self-help" possibly be violent? *gasp*
I was working with someone the other day and the harshest voice in the room was the voice of "self-help." It was mean. It wasn't what she...
2 kinds of loneliness: why we feel alone in a crowd
(Art by Lorenzo Bosi) I have a theory that there are 2 kinds of loneliness. I know this is false because any kind of binary is...
The "Self-Love Myth" is Bullshit
I recently came back from a trip to Colombia with a friend from there. Watching people make plans, reach out, talk about big feelings,...
My childhood was normal + fine so I shouldn't feel like something's wrong with me
I hear this all the time and have 2 things to say right out of the gate. "normal" and "shouldn't" Normal. Our childhood is always our...
It's not Karma. You just stepped in shit. Period.
On Sunday I stepped in dog shit. This was after someone left me high and dry owing $800. And after my transmission broke and I found...
What if the Voice in my head is right and I'm a Loser, AND a Fool for not believing it?
While I was talking with an amazing woman in a session yesterday she voiced this concern. "If I stop believing the nasty voice in my...
Eye contact keeps the 'crazy' at bay (and it's relationship to the housing crisis, addiction etc)
I entered a long parade of visitors up to my friend's house, bringing chocolate as she had just broke her foot. I followed the guy...
The question Gloria Macarenko asked that stumped me (even though I knew she would ask me)
Speaking to the wonderful Gloria Macarenko on CBC in an interview on play, I got stumped. Gloria: This city is expensive. What do you say...
When we don't feel like playing
Two thoughts: 1. Play and not-play are two sides of the same penny. We can't get one without the other. Play isn't devoid of substance....
The elephant in the room (or why talking doesn't work)
I tell you you're awesome and you don't believe me. I tell you you're awesome - one thousand times. Your friend tells you you're awesome...
Should we really fake it till we make it? Amy Cuddy's TED talk
"Your body language shapes who you are." Amy Cuddy presents one of my favourite TED talks. She talks about sticking your arms in the air...
The birth of a group (and why working with others is a radical politicalpersonalphysiologicalsocialc
The first part is a blog I wrote years ago about the birth of a group of women clowns/performance artists that I'm part of. The second...
Permission Slips - Don't run over yourself
The following list is from a soap box I was standing on a few years ago. Something a friend and I dreamed of speaking through a megaphone...